What is biodegradable plastic

Currently widely used plastics are not decomposed in nature and remain in the environment such as the sea semi-permanently.

On the other hand, biodegradable plastics are ultimately decomposed into water and carbon dioxide by the action of microorganisms, so it is expected to lead to the solution of waste treatment problems. It has already been used for various purposes.

In recent years, due to increasing environmental awareness, the number of companies and consumers who avoid existing plastics for plastic bags and straws is increasing in Japan, and attention is being paid to biodegradable materials.

Rapidly increasing biodegradation demand

In the future, the value of products that take advantage of biodegradability will increase due to the social situation where environmental regulations are tightened, and plastic bags and straws are being developed in Japan.

Efforts to adopt biodegradable packaging in vegetable sales

In foreign countries such as the EU, vegetable packaging made of biodegradable materials is becoming common, with supermarkets claiming "zero plastic" appearing, but there are few examples in Japan.
Therefore, we have begun to introduce biodegradable materials into the packaging of the vegetables we handle as an approach to environmental issues that is one step ahead.

When selling vegetables to an unspecified number of people, such as in supermarkets, packaging materials cannot be used repeatedly like eco bags due to hygiene issues.
In addition, materials such as paper cannot fully function as a package due to the influence of water generated from vegetables, and you cannot shop without worry if you cannot see the inside.
Therefore, it is necessary to use biodegradable plastic that is hygienic, emits less CO2 when it is disposed of, and is decomposed in the natural environment.

Comparison of CO2 emissions when disposing of plastics and biodegradable plastics

  • Plastic
    →When 1kg is incinerated, CO2 emission is about 2.6kgs
  • Biodegradable plastic (Mater-Bi)
    →When 1 kg is incinerated, CO2 emission is about 1.6 kgs
    →When 1 kg is conposted, CO2 emission is about 0.6 kgs

Use of biodegradable plastic is indicated on the package

By proposing biodegradable plastic specifications in product packaging, we appeal to consumers with a high environmental awareness.
In addition, in consideration of Westerners who have a high awareness of the environment, English is also included on the package.